This is an alphabetical list of BiCon sessions with a bit more detail about (most of) the sessions. If you want a timetable view so you can easily see when things are it's here –
Activism Beyond Protests
Saturday 15th 11 – 11:50am
Public protests are an important part of activism but they’re not for everyone. Disabilities, care and work responsibilities, risk of being outed or arrested, isolation and lack of motivation are all common reasons for not engaging in them. So what else is there? What even counts as activism anyway? Together we’ll discuss expansive ideas of what it means to be an activist. We all have a role to play in creating a better world.
Limitations: 20 people max booking needed
Blake Noble is a genderqueer adoptee and fashion outlaw who advocates for people facing oppression in healthcare and the workplace. His uniquely honest voice has appeared on the Adoption Advocacy Podcast and in the non-binary poetry anthology X Marks The Spot.
Anti-racism training
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th, 10 – 11:50am
These sessions are full and are now closed
Beard Enhancement
Saturday 15th 7 – 8:50pm
Limitations: none
Mel Friedman
Bi Group Runners Meet-up
Sunday 16th 1 – 1:50pm
Lock down has changed the way we all run bi meets and events. This is an informal discussion for people involved in running bi groups and events. A chance to catch up and find support from others who run groups or events.
Limitations: none
Ele Hicks has been running Bi Wales since 2007, local bi Swansea and bi Cardiff groups since 2009, and BiFest Wales since 2010.
Bi, Poly and Married – marriage in relation to bisexuality and polyamory
Saturday 15th 2 – 2:50pm
Quick backstory to how this workshop came to be: I am a bisexual, polyamorous person and I got married last year. Often I feel that just these first two parts of my identity clash, and now I awkwardly stacked a third element on top of the wobbling pile.
I invite you to ask questions and share experiences. This workshop is for you if you ever wondered about:
Marriage is a historical, social construct – how much “wiggle room” do we have to make it fit us personally and how do we manage that? Who do we give an explanation about our “way of being married” and how? Do we need to add an explanation? If we don’t explain, does it lead to an erasure of that part of our identity? Does being married lead to a “stronger bi erasure”? How can non-hierarchical polyamory co-exist with being married?
Limitations: 15 people max booking needed
Sara V: I’ve been an activist for 8 years now, striving to help people live in healthy relationships and not to be criticized for their decisions concerning their private life. To this end, I organized and coordinated events, talks, and workshops with many organizations. I currently am an organizer in the Hungarian Polyamorous Community and started organizing a Budapest Bi-tangok bi group in July last year.
BiCon hangout
Friday 14th 3-5pm
Kick off your BiCon with a drop-in hangout. We'll chat (mostly by text) and play some youtube videos, maybe try a game.
Limitations: none
Katy H
BiCon photo(s)
Saturday 15th 1-2pm – drop in session
A BiCon photo created with the magic of Zoom, Jen Yockney will let people into the room around every 5 mins or so to do the picture, don't all turn up at once!
Bis of Colour and BAME Safe Space
Saturday 15th 7 – 8:50pm
A informal discussion group/space for bi+ POC and BAME people. There won't be any set topics, and participants can simply talk about and share experiences or just be in the space. There's no pressure for people to contribute to any discussions. POC and BAME people only, including people of mixed heritage. The session may include discussion of racist, biphobic and transphobic incidents.
Limitations: POC and BAME people only, including people of mixed heritage, 15 people max. booking needed
Yvonne : I'm Yvonne (she/her) – Leeds-based person into vintage fashion and writing. This is my fourth BiCon, but the first session I've run!
Black, queer, asexual, aromantic, hiv+ spoken word poetry
Saturday 15th 10 – 10:50am
A spoken word poetry performance about the life of a black, queer, transgender person, living with HIV since birth while educating the public about asexuality and aromantic identities.
Limitations: none
Positively Positive: The founder of Positively Positive Education Productions, LLC is {multiply marginalized} black, queer, transgender, HIV+ since birth, Asexual, Aromantic and a survivor of childhood violence. Positively Positive is {asexual} “Ace” typically they do not experience sexual feelings, desires nor are sexually attracted to anyone. Positively Positive is {aromantic} “Aro” because typically they have no interests or desires for romantic relationships. Positively Positive is {one of the only artists in the entire world} that has spoken word poetry, hip-hop music, and workshops about {living with HIV since birth} and about a person who is aromantic, asexual, black, transgender and queer. {Asexuals} and {Aromantics} are a demographic {part of the LGBTQ community} missing from the overall conversation so Positively Positive bridges that gap.
Bring A Bisexual Object
Saturday 15th 12 – 12:50pm
Bring along an object you’d like to show and tell and spend a few minutes telling us about it. It can be anything – an old BiCon programme, a bi badge, a scarf from the first bi event you went to, etc. Please note under-18s may be attending!
Limitations: none
I’m Katy and I’m running the ents for Virtual BiCon. I’m also the organiser of London BiCon and the editor of Purple Prose: Bisexuality in Britain.
Christian Spirituality: Ignatian Imaginative Contemplation
Saturday 15th 10 – 10:50am
A short imaginative contemplation session based on the techniques taught by Ignatius of Loyola (1491–1556) and used in the Ignatian exercises. The passage we will be focusing on will be Luke 19-1-10, the story of Zacchaeus. What will be needed: an open mind and spirit, somewhere comfortable, Bible (if you don't have one, not to worry, the passage will be read out multiple times). You may light a candle if you wish. For those who wish to know a little more about Ignatius and who he was and what he did and on the spiritual exercises please follow this link:
Limitations: 20 people max
Vicky McQuarrie. Currently a student at Westminister Theological Centre, owner of 2 Yorkshire terriers and deputy churchwarden. Hobbies include laughing and devouring detective series and novels.
Craftalong with Gemma
Saturday 15th 1-3pm
Please come join me and craft. Bring whatever crafting you're currently working on. All crafts are welcome from knitting and cross Stitch to drawing and colouring in. We'll show each other what we're working on and chat to each other. We'll be supportive of each other and might even be able to help each other out if we get stuck.
Limitations: none
From Shame, Rejection and Low Self Worth to Compassion, Belonging and Acceptance: improving the mental wellbeing of those who identify as bisexual
Friday 14th 5 – 5:50pm
The session aims to identify factors that impact on the mental health and wellbeing of those who identify as bisexual and to explore some ways to improve this. Both research and theories into understanding bisexual mental health have suggested that internalised shame, feeling misunderstood and loss of identity could be linked to higher rates of anxiety and depression. The session aims to briefly outline evolutionary theory in improving our understanding of shame, rejection and identity and exploring how compassion, acceptance, understanding and belonging can help improve our mental health and wellbeing. There will be an opportunity to practice some self-compassion and acceptance based practical exercises.
Limitations: 50 people max
Dr Jenna Kirtley: Hi I am a clinical psychologist based in Newcastle upon Tyne. I am passionate about empowering individuals to find ways to make positive changes to their lives. For me, it is important to consider the social, economic and cultural factors that impact on our mental health and wellbeing. As someone who identifies as being bisexual I have experienced others as rejecting, misunderstanding and dismissive at times. I wanted to bring together some research and my theory of what could help us move away from this to feel like we belong and are accepted. Outside of my profession you will see me travelling, partying or dancing! Look forward to meeting you all.
Intersectionality for the Bi+ community
Saturday 15th 6 – 6:50pm
This session will explain the topic of intersectionality and how it affects and informs our experiences as Bi+ people. I will use slides and screen share.
Limitations: none
Naomi Rowe is a practising Music Therapist, Vocalist and Social Activist. She has worked in special education throughout her career and as a freelance therapist now works with both children and adults, many of whom are neurodiverse and/or LGBTQ+. She believes herself to be the only Bi, Jewish, Disabled and left-handed Intersectional Music Therapist working today, at least in the Midlands. She receives a lot of support from these communities and enjoys 'paying it forward' through her work and volunteering.
Kitchen Witchcraft
Friday 14th 7 – 7.50pm
Talk and discussion about practical herbalism, and food as medicine. All welcome.
Limitations: 15 people max
Eddi dabbles in various crafts, including witchcraft. Their interest in herbalism/kitchen witchcraft stems from a combination of their love of nature, and their dislike of apathetic doctors.
Mental Health – Bisexuals need it too
Friday 14th 6 – 6.50pm
As bisexuals we suffer not only the kinds of violence that could hurt us physically, but statically speaking, we're one of the most vulnerable communities as it pertains to a variety of mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety, not to forget suicidal thoughts. How can we take care of each other as a community that grows larger every day and how can we take care of ourselves caring to the specificities that come with being bisexual?
Limitations: 20 people max
Kaique Fontes, Brazilian activist, bisexual and Non-Binary of colour (he/they pronouns). Member of the Bi-Sides collective.
Saturday 15th 6 – 6:50pm
A mindfulness session for beginners and experienced alike. There will be a chance to discuss parts of mindfulness you struggle with and share ideas of what helps you live a more mindful life. This session is neurodiverse and disability friendly.
Limitations: 10 people max
Abi Bevan has worked in mental health for 3 years after completing her degree in Psychology. She runs mindfulness classes for people with mental health issues and long term health conditions as part of her job and hopes to make mindfulness more accessible to a diverse group of people. She runs Cambridge Bisexual Pizza when there is not a pandemic.
MultiFaith Spiritual Space
Sunday 16th 2 – 2:50pm
A facilitated space to explore being spiritual in Bi Space and Bi (or an Ally) in our different spiritual spaces – for people of all faiths and none. A mixture of discussions, reflection and exercises including sound and gentle (in chair) movement. You only need to bring yourself but you may like to have a candle (and something to light it with) next to you to help us mark our special time/space together and/or an object that has had spiritual or emotional meaning for you during Lockdown that you would be happy to show to the rest of us.
Limitations: 35 people max
Ludy is Autistic, an Aunty and an Activist. She's long been a "Theology Geek" and while spending Lockdown alone has been looking at ways to explore her (and other people's) spirituality, meaning and community in these strange and disconnected times.
Non-binary Safe Space
Sunday 16th 1 – 1:50pm
This space helped me a lot at a first time "BiConer" to come to terms with me being Non-Binary and find people who understand my experiences. I hope to provide this for others now 🙂
Limitations: 15 people max, this space is for non-binary people only
Sara V. I’ve been an activist for 8 years now, striving to help people live in healthy relationships and not to be criticized for their decisions concerning their private life. To this end, I organized and coordinated events, talks, and workshops with many organizations. I currently am an organizer in the Hungarian Polyamorous Community and started organizing a Budapest Bi-tangok bi group in July last year.
Politics of Gender Recognition Act and Campaigning for Reform
Sunday 16th 12 – 12:50pm
This workshop will be not party political and will include a look at how we forge alliances to promote transcripts in an era of populism. We will also look at self-care for activists in an era of populism and community frustrations.
Limitations: 40 people max
Heather Peto, co-Chair of an LGBT+ political group, has been a transgender and bisexual campaigners for over 20 years.
Reclaiming Make-Up
Sunday 16th 3-4pm
Feminism has a long history of critiquing make up. This session will not directly discuss those criticisms but is informed by them. There’s nothing wrong with applying make-up to look beautiful but what if it didn’t have to be about looking ‘flawless’? What if it wasn’t even about looking ‘better’? I want to challenge myself and you to try a different approach to make up in practice. You will need make-up (and possibly make-up remover) on hand for this session because we’ll be going through a series of transformative challenges designed to challenge our body image issues. Come as you are, leave a work of art.
Limitations: 40 people ma
Blake Noble is a genderqueer adoptee and fashion outlaw who advocates for people facing oppression in healthcare and the workplace. His uniquely honest voice has appeared on the Adoption Advocacy Podcast and in the non-binary poetry anthology X Marks The Spot.
Speed friending
Friday 14th 2-3pm
Limitations: (20 people max) booking needed
Survivors Safe Space
Sunday 16th 12 – 12:50pm
Mel Friedman
Tackling Biphobia and Bargaining for Bi+ Equality in the Workplace
Sunday 16th 2 – 2:50pm
Trade unions have been involved in improving the lives of LGBT+ people for many years. UNISON is the UK’s largest trade union with over 1.3 million members. We are the only trade union to have self-organisation for LGBT+ members and within that, a Bi+ Caucus specifically for bi+ members. We will provide an interactive workshop with discussion on how to tackle bi-phobia, bi-erasure and how to bargain for bi+ equality in the workplace. Our session is being run by Sophie and Phillippa who are both experienced workplace reps who will share with you their knowledge and experiences.
Limitations: 30 people ma
Sophie Robinson and Phillippa Scrafton are members of UNISON’s national LGBT+ committee, representing Bi+ Members. UNISON is the UK’s largest trade union, and has a long history of bargaining for LGBT+ equality in the workplace. Sophie is a mental health nurse working in the NHS and Phillippa is a Regional Organiser for Stonewall.
Trans safer space
Friday 14th 2-3pm
Mel Friedman
Limitations: 20 people max, this space is for trans people only
Why Black Lives Still Don't Matter within the LGBTQ+?
Saturday 15th 5 – 5:50pm
We will be diving into two worlds; one where Blackness is not cared for, and scoffed at its success and the other were you meant to feel safe but don't. Does my Blackness mean more to you than my Queerness? Why are the marginalised oppressing marginalised? Does Queerness and White supremacy go hand in hand? Can I be Black and Bisexual and Happy?
Limitations: 30 people max
Kefentse Dennis (He/Him). A Black, Bisexual, and 15 year Environmental Activist who works within the Green Party and Black Queer Space in the Birmingham scene.